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Git LFS, and how it caught me out

I was today years old when I got bitten by some minor assumptions on how git-lfs works.


Git Large File Storage (LFS) is a neat little add-on to git that allows you to store things that aren’t necessarily text based in a git repo. Git was designed for source code, which generally tends to exist as plaintext.

There’s nothing inherently wrong or bad about storing things that aren’t small, plain-text files in git, it’ll happily do it. It’s just that it’s not very efficient based on the way that the innards of git work, and they tend to mess up the diffs somewhat. LFS tries to solve that problem by storing some files (that you choose) in some sort of external file storage, and then storing a reference to that within the git repo itself. This you don’t have to spend bandwidth pulling in every version of every large binary when you clone, they can be just fetched on-demand.

The problem

I’ve been working on a feature for an Android project for a little while, trying to migrate away from the ObjectBox storage library for a bunch of boring reasons (mostly around the extent to which it’s open-source). It turns out that ObjectBox is, essentially, LMDB plus FlatBuffers. My specific problem was trying to migrate from an ObjectBox store without using the ObjectBox library, on a mobile device.

After throwing together a little pure-kotlin LMDB library, I got this feature working how I expected. I had a bunch of tests that would run the migration on some LMDB database files and show that under a bunch of different scenarios, the right data was read and parsed.

Some of these test cases involved some quite large databases, but I wanted to store the LMDB test fixtures in the git repo. So, for the first time, I got out git LFS and told it to track those specific files. Simple!

Everything worked great. Except that the tests failed on CI.

Works on my machine

This was confusing. The specific tests were failing at the same point every time, right at the point that the LMDB Environment was being initialized.

07-05 10:28:11.963  E java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=9; index=12
07-05 10:28:11.963  E  at com.growse.lmdb_kt.DbMappedBuffer.flags-i8woANY(DbMappedBuffer.kt:110)
07-05 10:28:11.963  E  at com.growse.lmdb_kt.PageHeader.<init>(PageHeader.kt:28)
07-05 10:28:11.963  E  at com.growse.lmdb_kt.DbMappedBuffer.getPage-WZ4Q5Ns$lmdb_kt(DbMappedBuffer.kt:27)
07-05 10:28:11.963  E  at com.growse.lmdb_kt.Environment.getMetadataPagesWithPageSize-Qn1smSk(Environment.kt:169)
07-05 10:28:11.963  E  at com.growse.lmdb_kt.Environment.getMetadataPage(Environment.kt:149)
07-05 10:28:11.963  E  at com.growse.lmdb_kt.Environment.getMetadataPage$default(Environment.kt:143)
07-05 10:28:11.963  E  at com.growse.lmdb_kt.Environment.<init>(Environment.kt:78)
07-05 10:28:11.963  E  at com.growse.lmdb_kt.Environment.<init>(Unknown Source:6)
07-05 10:28:11.963  E  at com.growse.lmdb_kt.Environment.<init>(Environment.kt:26)
07-05 10:28:11.963  E  at$migrateFromLegacyStorage$1.invokeSuspend(RoomWaypointsRepo.kt:112)
07-05 10:28:11.963  E  at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
07-05 10:28:11.963  E  at
07-05 10:28:11.963  E  at$lambda$0(EspressoTrackedDispatcher.kt:37)
07-05 10:28:11.963  E  at$r8$lambda$im9-z3xxgDDV52szIGJhZ5tniMs(Unknown Source:0)
07-05 10:28:11.963  E  at$$ Source:4)
07-05 10:28:11.963  E  at
07-05 10:28:11.963  E  at
07-05 10:28:11.963  E  at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(CoroutineScheduler.kt:570)
07-05 10:28:11.963  E  at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.executeTask(CoroutineScheduler.kt:750)
07-05 10:28:11.963  E  at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.runWorker(CoroutineScheduler.kt:677)
07-05 10:28:11.963  E  at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$

I’d done a whole bunch of testing on different, weird LMDB databases to make sure my little lmdb-kt implementation could successfully read data out from it. So to see it fail on CI was pretty deflating.

So, what’s going on here?

We’re in$migrateFromLegacyStorage, which is basically a function that migrates a data store from ObjectBox to using an Android Room store instead. This, essentially checks to see if an LMDB database exists on the device in a place the old system used, and then tries to open it, pull out all the data, convert it a little bit, then write it to the new store.

We’re specifically at Environment.<init>, which is a little bit of setup to try and work out the page size of the database is. LMDB’s C implementation uses database pages that align with the system’s page size (which makes sense). On a lot (most?) systems, this is about 4KB, but I’ve seen 16KB on OSX-arm. Feeling that it might be bad to just blindly assume that pages are always 4KB, I put in a little bit of probing to see what the page size might be.

All LMDB databases first two pages are “Meta” pages. So you should be able to parse the page header at offset=0, and offset=<pagesize>, and if you get metadata pages, you’ve probably got the right page size.

Back to the stacktrace. We’re pulling the first meta page and then trying to parse the flags of the page which tell us the type of page this is. It looks like it’s getting an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException by trying to read byte 12 of something that’s only 9 bytes long. It makes sense that this would fail at reading the page header flags - these are found at bytes 10 and 11 in a page.

Here’s how we read the page header:

pageNumber = buffer.readLong()
padding = buffer.readUShort()
flags = buffer.flags(, 2u)

The flags function takes the given number of bytes, assumes it’s a bitmap and then extracts an EnumSet from it with the given Enum class. Or:

fun <T : Enum<T>> flags(clazz: Class<T>, byteCount: UShort): EnumSet<T> =
    BitSet.valueOf(buffer.slice().apply { limit(byteCount.toInt()) }).let { bitset ->
        val constants = clazz.enumConstants
        EnumSet.noneOf(clazz).apply {
                IntRange(0, bitset.size()).flatMap { bitnum ->
                    if (bitset[bitnum]) listOf(constants[bitnum]) else emptyList()

The bit it’s blowing up on is the part where it’s looking up the value in constants for the value of the bit index bitnum. There are only 9 different database flags, and somehow bit 12 is set.

Bit 12 should not be set!

But it doesn’t work on my other machine

It seems obvious now that the CI and the local instance might be looking at different test fixtures. As much as it might be possible to attach a debugger to my CI instance somehow, I reverted the good old-fashioned throw-lots-of-print-statements debugging technique.

First, let’s just dump the file size of data.mdb as we open it.


Mapping file /data/user/0/ Size is 12288, md5 is c5d30a30601833eee4807981c3d425f0

Looks good - 3* 4,096-byte pages. 12KB.

On CI:

Mapping file /data/user/0/ Size is 130, md5 is 54e64601eec41e70e41e2de47e36dc0d

130 bytes is … not a multiple of 4,096. Ok, it’s seeing a different file. Let’s just dump the hex contents on the file to the log!


That’s…. ASCII?

oid sha256:c053bac9cb5b43914c41848793252b6647f790a99708e7eab12d527804278eed
size 32768

Oh look, it’s the stub you get in a git repo when you use git LFS.

Lessons learned

Very specifically, the lesson is:

The Github actions/checkout doesn’t enable LFS by default. Set lfs: true

More generally, the lesson might be:

Write better code

Or possibly

Put the computer down and go outside

I’m not really sure.