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Wii like the Wii

No I didn’t buy one. I didn’t even think about it.

However, on Saturday, I was sitting there doing nothing and I read about how the Wii was going to be launched in Times Square at midnight. Given that I live next to Times Square and how a large queue of people who’d been in the freezing cold for 20+ hours would be a good opportunity to take some photos, I headed out the door at about 10pm.

It was quite an amazing sight. The queue stretched from the front door of Toys ‘R’ Us, north for one block, then east for one block onto 6th Ave, south for another block and then back around the corner west for a bit. There were lots of interviews going on, lots of people looking silly playing tennis on the console-stands they’d set up at various points in the queue, but most of all, the number of people walking around going “Is this the PS3 thing?”, “Wii? What’s a Wii?”, “Is something going on here?” etc was quite amusing.

Anyway. I turned up, took some pictures, got bored, and went home at half eleven. Couldn’t bear to be around when they finally opened the doors. Pictures will be up at the newly created site.